Friday, January 30, 2009

SKF illustrates perfectly why it's smart to be prepared in advance for anything to happen and why you must take profits when the market offers them up. Instead of suffering the loss of $3 of your total gain on the pullback, the prepared trader puts that $3 plus $ 3 more on the short into their account and never suffers the emotional turmoil of watching your unrealized gains disappear.

Markets telegraphed what the high probability trade was in advance. Human nature told the story way before that.

when markets fall this much remember to take profits as gravity usually comes into effect. you can always enter the trades again when momo returns or trade the pullback, or dead cat bounce

SRS always gives good action as well

To end the week here are examples of some high probability set up happening right now. here are what the markets are doing...

S & P and QQQQ

SKF long

FAZ long

JPM short

MS short