Thursday, July 31, 2008

It snowed in my backyard last night. Yee Haw ski season is fast approaching.
Well actualy I was skiing last weekend

cover POT on the dip down past yesterdays low + $10,300
and I'm done for the day
less than 15 mi. to go, Ill be looking for a advantageous time to cover POT

covered FSLR + $ 7200
doubled up FSLR short
sold APA + $ 200
stopped out WLT - $120

short FSLR again
doubled up in POT short
stopped out JRCC + $ 220
doubled up in APA

sold POT + $ 1200 and short again

bot JRCC, doubled

bot APA

cover FSLR + $ 2500

bot WLT

cover AEM + $ 680
cover APA + $ 360

cover POT + $ 5900 and long now

short AEM , doubled

stopped out AAPL + $200, short APA
stopped out AEM + $ 280

stopped out X + $ 900, short FSLR

sold MICC + $320 , short AEM, doubled
doubled up in X short

bot MICC

short AAPL

stopped out X even and short it again
stopped out AAPL + $ 300

stopped out X - $360 and long it now

short X

back from breakfast stopped out of X + $ 6800

stopped out MICC - $ 170, shorted AAPL

bot MICC

stopped out RIG + $400
stopped out APA - $100, doubled up in X short

short APA, and its breakfast time

cover AAPL + $ 1000
doubled up in POT short

short RIG
stopped out RIG -$ 200

short X

sold JRCC + $ 1100

short RIG

sold POT + $ 400 and short now
sold APA - $ 100

bot APA

cover POT + $ 4300 and long now
cover CLF + $200

cover JRCC + $ 560 and long now, doubled

short AAPL, doubled up in POT short

stopped out FNM + $ 2100

short CLF

stopped out JRCC + $ 1400

stopped out POT + $ 1050 and short now

stopped out IPI + $ 1000

bot 10,000 FNM

bot IPI, doubled

bot 3,000 JRCC

bot POT

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On North Face of Athabasca.

sold CLF + $ 5100 and I'm done for the day

sold SPWR + $ 2200

sold PBR + $ 1240

sold JRCC + $ 2400
doubled up in CLF, bot 2,000 more JRCC

bot CLF