Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Done for the day. Fresh snow yesterday, going to take my daughter tobogganing.

If you didn't get shaken out of AEM , an easy $1.00 was offered up. If you covered on that 5 minute doji and got back in again, even better for you.

When  something like GS offers up good , fast profits, it's prudent to take them. Same with all the others.

+ $ 1.40

Momo time again with markets pile driving. Lots of opportunities

GS short

SRS long

EEV long

FAZ long

Some quick profits could have been taken on those I posted . You could play the reverse or wait and see if the trends continues.

FAZ $ 1.00+

GS . $ 50

SRS  $1.00

RIMM $.50

EEV going up

After a choppy morning, some high probability trades are presenting themselves. Will the trends continue? No one knows.... taking the $ when its offered is a good way to build up your account and confidence though.

RIMM short

AEM short

SRS long

FAZ long

GS short