Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gotta love this traders markets + $ 165,000. I sometimes cruise various trading blogs and am mystified that most everybody wants to predict the direction of the market. Who cares, just go with the flow. It's funny actually, I see people taking huge losses, moaning about it, but why they don't trade the opposite direction Ill never know...

cover OIH + $ 5200 and I'm done for the day.

sold SRS + $ 12,300

short 2kdd OIH

cover SRS + $ 4000 and long 2k

sold OIH + $ 2400

covered OIH + $ 2200 and long 2k.
dropping down to 2 position due to very high volatility

cover bidu + $ 2700

cover AAPL + $ 3400

sold SRS + $ 5100 and short 2k

sold BIDU + $ 4900 and short

sold AAPL + $ 3500 and short 2k

sold OIH + $ 3000 and short 2k

cover SRS + $ 6000 and long 2k

covered OIH + $ 2400 and long 2k

sold SRS + $ 2700 and short 2k

covered BIDU + $ 2200 and long

covered AAPL + $ 1200 and long 2k

sold OIH + $ 3900 and short 2k

cover SRS + $ 7700 and long 2k

sold BIDU + $ 3200 and short

sold AAPL + $ 3600 and short 2k

cover AAPL + $ 1400 and long 2k

cover BIDU + $ 1600 and long

cover OIH + $ 2200 and long 2k

sold SRS + $ 13,700 and short 2k

short 2k AAPL

sold OIH+ $ 1770 and short again 2k

sold BIDU + $ 680 and short

cover SRS - $ 440 and long again 2k

bot BIDU

cover AAPL + $ 3500

sold SRS + $ 8700 and short 2k

cover OIH + $ 10,400 and long 2k

short 2k AAPL

cover BIDU + $ 9600

sold OIH + $ 1200 and short 2k

stopped out BIDU - $410, shorted it again

stopped out OIH - $ 200 and long now 2k

cover SRS + $ 920 and long 2k
and its time for breakfast

sold OIH + $ 3400 and short 2K

short BIDU
stopped out POT even
cover BIDU - $280

bot POT

sold SRS + $ 1900 and short 2k

short BIDU, cover POT even

cover OIH + $ 710 and long 2k

stopped out BIDU + $ 2200

short BIDU

short POT

sold OIH + $ 2600 and short 2k

stopped out ABX + $ 180, POT + $ 380, cover SRS + $ 560 and long 2k