Thursday, July 17, 2008

She'll be my trading partner in 10 years I hope.

sold VMC + $ 7620 and done for the day

sold POT + 2370

stopped out of POT + $ 3000 and long now, added more to VMC
doubled VMC
stopped out X -$380

short X

short POT

bot VMC

cover X + $ 4920, sold VMC zero, and I'm probably done for the day

cover POT + $ 4610

cover VMC + $ 5340 and long now
doubled X short

cover HES + $3770

X entry

covered AEM + $ 2990, short X

sold BTU + $240, short POT again, adde to VMC short

sold VMC + $ 13,920 and short now

short AEM, doubled

bot BTU, doubled, covered IPI + $310

stopped out of POT + $ 1910

sold MTB zero, short IPI doubled

covered X + $ 1200, short POT

bot MTB, added more VMC
added to VMC

late post sold HES - $200 and short again

late post sold X + $480 and shorted again

cover X + $2090 and long now

cover HES + $1270 and long now

stopped out VMC -$300 and long now

sold VMC + $ 4040 and short now, doubled up

sold MTB + $ 2930

sold X + $ 2070 and short now
breakfast time

short HES
added to VMC and MTB

cover HES + $ 1900

bot VMC, doubled

cover ACI + $4620

X entry

bot MTB, doubled, cover X - $80 and long now
cover VMC zero

sold VMC +$310 and short now

sold X + $420 and short again
doubled VMC

cover VMC + $7670 and long now

covered BTU + $ 460 short VMC doubled

cover X + $3520 and long now

short HES

sold BTU + $380 and short again , doubled, sold MTB -$120

stopped out BTU + $ 1620 and long now
sold 1/3 MTB + $130

bot MTB after the drop, 3000 shares

stopped out of MTB + $ 1110

bot MTB, doubled

short BTU, doubled

short ACI, doubled

short X