Wednesday, July 23, 2008

One of the faces I want to ski next year on Mt. Atwell

cover POT + $ 5120 and done for the day
about 15 min to the close I'll be looking for an advantageous moment to cover POT
stopped out WYNN + $ 1010, LVS +$ 960
cover HES + $ 70

short HES

short POT

stopped out POT + $2760

cover CELG + $90, bot LVS , doubled

cover WYNN $4760 and long again,doubled

cover HES + $5830

short CELG

short POT

cover RIG + $ 1115

, X + $300
doubled up in WYNN short

sold WYNN + $8680 and short now

short X

sold LVS + $4240

short RIG
stopped out AAPL +$190

cover FSLR + $440 , bot AAPL

short FSLR, added to LVS long
sold AAPL - $ 190

bot LVS, doubled,
doubled WYNN
stopped out RIG even

bot WYNN
doubled AAPL long

short RIG

, cover CELG even

cover AAPl + $900 and long now


sold AAPl + $ 5240 and short now, sold CELG + $90 and short now
doubled CELG long
covered CELG - $210 and long now
stopped out MICC, even

bot MICC on the pullback

short CELG, doubled
adde to AAPL long
stopped out MICC + $ 2700 , doubled HES short
cover X + $ 480

cover WYNN + $ 1070, short HES
doubled up in WYNN short

stopped out of WYNN - $290 and short now
, short X

bot MICC

, doubled
doubled up in WYNN long, AAPL long

cover AAPL + $ 790 and long now

, cover RIMM + $1350

cover WYNN - $220 and long now

re short WYNN, doubled
stopped out VMC even

stopped out of WYNN + $ 4350

sold MICC even, short VMC, doubled
and it's breakfast time
doubled up in AAPL short

stopped out of MTB + $580, bot MICC, doubled

re short MTB , doubled

stopped out HES +$ 2470,
OXY + $ 1780,
short WYNN, doubled

sold AAPL + $ 530 and short again

short RIMM

stopped out MTB - $ 160, AAPl + $2740 and long now

cover MICC + $510 , short MTB, doubled

sold VMC + $420, short MICC doubled,
doubled up in OXY short

short OXY
sold MICC + $110

short AAPL
stopped out AAPL-$ 100

stopped out of AAPl -$100 and short now
doubled up in VMC

cover AAPL + $ 2700 and long now

cover VMC + $ 1460 and long now

bot MICC, doubled

short HES, doubled
cover ICE + $ 880

sold MICC +$ 3360
doubled up in AAPL short
doubled up in VMC short

short ICE, doubled

stopped out X + $ 1090