Thursday, October 09, 2008

sold SKF + $ 20,700 and I'm done for the day

cover OIH + $ 3200
cover POT + $ 200

bot 2k SKF

sold POT + $ 1400 and short

sold OIH + $ 1200 and short

sold GS + $ 990

cover POT + $ 6900 and long

cover OIH + $ 46,000 and long

cover GS + $ 15, 250 and long

sold OIH+$2200 and short again

sold POT + $ 2000 and short again

cover OIH + $ 14,400 and long

cover POT + $ 17,300 and long.
that was fun,and you have to take advantage of times like that to get out of your position and take the profit and bounce.
haven't had a nice stable downtrend like this for quite while. Lately there would have several several dumb spikes by now....
doubled up in GS, POT , OIH shorts

sold GS + $ 2180 and short

sold OIH + $ 1400 and short

cover OIH + $ 3200 and long

cover GS + $ 3300 and long
doubled up in POT, OIH, GS shorts

sold OIH + $ 1700 and short

sold GS + $ 1300 and short

sold POT + $ 910 and short

cover OIH + $ 1200 ad long

cover GS + $1200 and long

cover PT + $ 920 and long

sold POT + $ 4400 and short

sold OIH + $ 2900 and short
doubled up in GS, sold GS + 2000 and short now
doubled OIH , POT longs

cover GS + $ 1200 and long

bot OIH

cover SPY + $ 400, POT + $ 1100 and long POT

short SPY

sold GS + $ 3600 and short, now doubled

sold POT + $ 1800 and short

sold OIH + $ 2200

bot POT

bot GS

bot OIH.
Had some quality moves in OIH GS, POT, CNQ, FCX earlier. The moves were great but too fast to be able to trade effectively and post here so this is my first post of the day.