Thursday, January 29, 2009

Time and Tides

Today was an interesting day with many momentum moves both up and down. The trick recently has been not to be locked into just one dimension,  thinking that you can intraday buy and hold. Certainly with the benefit of hindsight there were situations that I could have played better and held the trend longer (BXP short at the high of the day for instance) but for every one of those, there was 20 more on the other side that if I held on to I would have been killed.  Todays volatility really showed that if you had a quick trigger finger, you were successful. The opposite is true if were still thinking that you can predict what the market is going to do and hold fast to your decision hoping the trend will continue.

I don’t know which direction the market is going. I don’t know what a stock is going to do. However I do know that when the indexes show huge green or red candles, then I want to be on that side of the trade (or in the inverse ETFs). It really boils down to getting into the flow of the market, paying attention to how it reacts and trading the probabilities.

Like the ocean waves, the market momentum can be ridden and taken to profitable conclusions. Be aware that the waves will end when the force behind them slows. Be prepared to jump off one and on to another.

Check back to some of those market snapshots I posted. If you where experiencing them in real time then I’m sure you felt the power behind them. All you need is to have a good trading stock under you and you can grab nice profits. It’s all you need to do. You don’t need to know why. You don’t need to know where the RSI, VIX, fib lines are. If you wait for those behind the times indicators to tell you to jump, then traders like myself are going to thank you for your buy order when I am selling the 10 minute pop and going short.

Have zero expectations about what is going to happen next. If you have traded on the probability of something happening instead of “I know what’s going to happen next” then you don’t have the emotional baggage that comes with getting attached to those trades that turn into losers. I approach it thinking only some sort of movement will happen and mark my point at which that decision will be proven wrong. If I’m wrong I take the loss. If I’m right then I manage the trade looking for the momo to stall, get out and take the profits the trade presented. Next.

If you’re getting beat up in this sort of trading environment try simplifying your edge down to price and momentum. Drop all the other indicators. Momentum is like the ocean tides. You can’t swim against it so you might as well use it to propel you faster to your destination.


5 minutes to go, sold SKF + $ 1.30 and done for the day
bot SKF

sold SKF + $. 80 

alsosold SRS +$.20

cover SRS + .12 and long again

cover SKF + $ .30 and long again

sold SKF + $ 5.00 and shorted it

short SRS

lotsa volume so, easy to get rid of things

sold FAZ + $ 1.30

sold SRS + $1.90

downside momo

S & P and QQQQ

cover BXP + $ 1.40
just because things are going our way don't think this trend is going to last forever. 1/2 hour till end of day so trade smart and take profits as you see fit

bot FAZ  making new highs

sold FAZ + $.20

bot FAZ again

bot SKF again

bot SRS again

pretty choppy so best to take the quick profits. going to take a break now

SRS  + $ 1.20

SKF + $ 1.60

FAZ + $ . 50

as SRS climbs, BXP falls

my tip off to suddenly change direction back to the original ETF uptrend was after I saw golds AEM ABX stalling then drop. i don't know what the connection is though....

fast action now. thats what we like right?

S& P  and QQQQ showing big red candles now

bot FAZ

sold MS +.14

cover SKF + $ 1.00 and long again

cover SRS + $ .52 and long again

bot MS

strength returned in a big way so cut the losers in SKF FAZ

SKF - $ .26 and short now

FAZ -$ .18

SRS + $ .29 and short now

I choose to cover my shorts and go long in SRS, SKF and long FAZ as I can't feel much power in the market pop




15 minute dojis on SKF SRS FAZ. high probability to reverse the trend and go down. lets see what happens

the ETFs stalled out, time to take the profits and short them if available, while keeping in mind that they could reverse quickly back up

SRS etc

gold still running up

AEM new highs

ABX new highs
11 o'clock. things usually start to heat up about now. be ready, stay focused on what is happening. have no expectations.....

markets crashing hard SKF and FAZ in uptrends

S & P  and QQQQ



markets crashing again means SKF FAZ rising hard

S & P  and QQQQ



trend is up in SRS making new highs

trend is still down on BXP

take that quick $ MA offered up

MA making new highs

CNQ making new lows. all oils are sliding now.

know that there will be a reaction bounce to this huge drop. and that this trend will not last forever. watch for it and  trade accordingly taking profits

S & P  and QQQQ

ABX and AEM hitting new highs