Thursday, December 18, 2008

That's all for 2008

I'm done for the year.
Time to go skiing, climbing and spend time with friends and family.
Raise a glass, make a toast to good friends you may have lost along the way. Remember to go live this life, it's the only one you've got.
Happy holidays .


Malevich said...

Thanks for an inspiring narrative and sharing the benefits of your experience in the markets. Hope to read you in the New Year.

Stewie said...

have a nice rest and looking forward to your return.

Anonymous said...

I have really enjoyed and appreciated you sharing your trades, strategies and styles. Have a great new year.

joshua said...

enjoy the rest of the year. i have friends who are living in vancouver for the next year planning the olympic torch relay. they are loving life. i'll have to see if they are brave enough to hike any of these mountains and ski down them like you and your friends.

Blue said...

Have a good one Scott. Great year! All of us retail traders here are better off knowing your perspective and learning from your methods. I'm pretty sure you've outperformed everyone in our online circle.

Looking forward to next year.

Unknown said...

Scott, Peace be with you/yours and many thanks for your blog. 1) Did you read any books or any reference material while you trained for 2 years? 2) If I may be so bold, generally speaking where did your account&position size start when you first began trading? 3) Did you start out using your high end data/execution feed (I forget the name)? 4) What is it that separates your trading method from those who are not on your level? 5) What am I not asking that needs to be asked?

BullPreacher said...
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BullPreacher said...

Scott, Have a great holiday and a Merry CHRISTmas, you certainly have earned a break.

THANKS for all of your sharing.

Anonymous said...

Scott, have a nice holiday season and a happy, healthy start in the
new year for you and your family.

It was a great demonstration!

Scott said...

Thanks for your comments everyone.
Matthew, To answer your questions,
- when I started I read only a couple of books, Strategic Electronic day trader by Robert Dells and Reminiscences of a stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre. Some of the info in the first book is not applicable anymore( order entry is much simplfied now), The 2nd book is still timeless after 100 years. And Trading in the zone by Mark Douglas is the best books out there and one that is required reading by all levels of traders.
- I had sold a business before that so I was able to put in $250k.
- I've always used a DAT platform as opposes to online brokers. It's what the pros use and levels the playing field. I started with Realtick, moved to Cybertrader, then back to Realtick.
- I can't answer that question with any certainty but I have found that it's easier not to be influenced by any outside news. Thus I my mind is not decided on a direction before I trade. Only the charts matter to me. I don't care what direction a stock moves , long or short, of what the company does or when the fed announcement is. I have no expectation of what a stock will do. To me, news, market levels, indicators are useless. You'll have to trade a stock anyway by using the chart so thats all I use.
- believe in probabilities and trade your plan. Your plan is something that works for YOU. Something that your personality and pysche can be comfortable with. Practice it until it becomes automatic. You want to become like a machine, able to repeat the same moves every time. Your brain is the most powerful computer there is. Train it to focus on the task at hand and you will be successful. And believe in yourself. You CAN do this.

gamingthemarket said...

Scott, I also want to send my thanks and wish you a phenomenal winter season. Your humility is very refreshing to see in the trading world. This site is really useful for training my eye and my mind.

I'm still curious if you have any interest in Forex. As your account grows, and ETFs possibly dry up, I wonder if it would be a useful transition one day?