Friday, November 20, 2009

New MP3 link

Here is the 4th in a series of "How to prepare for the trading day". It's free to listen or download.


joshua said...

i know alot of work goes into these visualizations. thank you for sharing them.

Scott said...

Not a lot of work really. Just taking what's in my head and making it digital. Then I and everyone else can use the same information for years to come.
99.9% of other sites do a lot of work. Studying, hypothesizing, figuring, forecasting, lamenting, gloating and on and on. Then tomorrow they do it all over again.
I know the markets will go up/down and sideways tomorrow, I just don't know when.
So I'd rather prepare myself to trade in any environment that comes my way instead of expecting to act like I want it to.
Trading success comes from knowing yourself more than thinking you know what the markets will do.