Thursday, January 07, 2010

cover AIG


bluecollartrader said...

What a prolific week of posting! Still getting a lot of incentive and info from the site, Scott.

Scott said...

BCT - The more screen time you get the more the pieces start to fit together in your mind. If you have the confidence that you can do it and the will to follow through, you will eventually succeed.

matthew said...

Scott been logging the screen time but wondered if you would use wallstreak (or something similar) a bit as an IM method of what you are looking at. I check the blog regularly but for whatever reason the posts sometimes do not show until much later and at that point I am out of sync with looking at the overall market with the moves you made. The time stamp on the posts is helpful in that I can go back at the end of the day and measure things out a bit but it is still a very removed feeling from the live method that used to occur on wallstreak. I have grown leaps and bounds in my mental realm of 'just seeing what the market is saying', many thanks for the education.

Scott said...

Matthew - Sorry to disappoint but I'll stay here in my little world where there are no distractions.Chat rooms, IM etc. let in all sorts of thoughts that remove focus.
I'm happy that you've gained knowledge and education from this site.